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4 Benefits of Joining Student Organizations

Updated: Mar 14, 2022

Feeling lonely on campus? We’re here to help. If you haven’t joined student organizations on campus or been as involved as you would like, don’t worry. You’re not alone! I personally never realized the importance of getting involved on campus until just recently. I always thought it wasn’t that important because I was too busy attending classes and hanging out with my own group of friends. However, with classes online, it’s easy to feel disconnected from campus life. Therefore, now more than ever is the best time to get involved! Here are 4 reasons why!

Personal Growth

Joining student organizations gives you the opportunity to step outside your comfort zone. It can be scary to have some change in your life and make that first step forward but trust me when I say it’s worth it in the end because of how much you gain from it. You are also able to develop your soft skills, like building your work ethic and communication skills through interacting with new people. Those people can even introduce you to new interests and ways of thinking that you couldn’t get elsewhere. It is so important to develop these skills while in college because future employers will look for candidates who depict these characteristics.

Professional Growth

Campus organizations are also a terrific way to build your network. After all, your future career won’t only be about what you know, but also who you know. Joining an organization relevant to your major can be a great way to learn hard and soft professional skills outside of class. I’ve personally enjoyed meeting guest speakers, attending workshops, and building my resume (being a member of a club alone is a great resume-booster). Surrounding yourself with like-minded, driven individuals will also help you grow professionally. Lastly, while giving yourself more obligations can be scary, it can also be an amazing way to build your time-management skills. Balancing school and a social life can oftentimes be tricky but learning how to manage it will benefit you for the rest of your life.

Decreased Stress

Every once in a while, it’s nice to take your mind off academics and give yourself a little break from school. While joining clubs relevant to your major/career is great, you can also join some solely for fun! Extracurriculars can give you the opportunity to enjoy activities that don’t feel like an obligation, which has been proven to relieve students’ stress levels. You end up doing things you enjoy while surrounding yourself with friends who make the experience fun. It’s a nice pat on the back for constantly grinding every day and working so hard on your assignments.

Expanded Social Circle

If you’ve ever felt lonely on campus, especially during COVID, you’re not alone! Despite everything being virtual, joining organizations on campus is one of the best ways to make new and even life-long friends. It can also be a great way to network and build a support system. College campuses can be overwhelming at times, especially attending a public university with tens of thousands of students, but clubs can help build community and make the massive campus feel a bit smaller and more like home.

By: Lauren Williams & Sydney Nguyen

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