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Previous Work

Mindfulness Workshop

For Women in Business, I led a Mindfulness Workshop to over 100 attendees. Mindfulness is one of the best ways to improve your mental well-being. It's very important to me personally, and it was very fulfilling to share my experiences and knowledge of it with our members.


Women in Business Career Panel

I planned, recruited speakers, and led a panel of 5 professional women in various fields of business. I interviewed them on their backgrounds, and asked them to share advice with students entering their prospective fields. Below is a photo of branded cookies we gave out to 300 attendees.

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Women in Leadership Keynote Speaker

At SDSU's annual Women in Leadership Conference, I was nominated to interview Halima Aden, our Keynote Speaker – the first woman to wear a hijab in the Miss Minnesota USA pageant. I co-led the interview in front of 200+ attendees.


Lunch & Learn Event 

I planned and hosted a Lunch & Learn Event on Campus with 2 female speakers who helped us learn what it's like to work in sports marketing. Duties included outreach, content creation, and promoting the event with my team. I led the event with over 80 attendees.


AMA Professor Panel

For the American Marketing Association, I led a panel interviewing 3 SDSU professors about their personal experiences in the industry as well as some advice for our student members.


How Can Dating Services Retain Users Post COVID-19?

For my marketing research course, we analyzed the rise of dating services during COVID-19. We used Qualtrics and SPSS software to gather 330 survey responses to then hypothesize ways services could capitalize on their user growth. (Click photo below to view!)

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