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  • laurenwilliams277

The Importance Of Visually-Appealing Content

Updated: Mar 14, 2022

Living in a digital age, we’re constantly surrounded by visual content. Despite the growth of new technological trends, visualizing your content is important and it’s not going away. So, why is this important to us as marketers?

Let’s take a look at some statistics from Venngage…

  • 65% of us are visual learners

  • Content with visuals increases a view rate by 94%

  • People are 85% more likely to buy your product after watching a video about it

  • Our brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster than text

Due to our psychology, humans are naturally more drawn to visuals than text alone; therefore, visual content is crucial to boosting reach, engagement, and eventually sales.

So, what are some ways to make your content visually-appealing and capture the eyes of your consumers in the overflow of information out there?

1. Color

Coloring is crucial to branding any company, such as their logo, and it’s important to choose the right colors for your company. For example, in the U.S., the colors red and yellow are commonly used for fast food chains because they can signal hunger and happiness to the human mind. Once a brand has these colors, it’s important to stay consistent and use reminder advertising to keep them top of mind.

2. Images

Pictures are one of the main ways a brand can increase viewership and reach, hence the rapid growth of social media in the past decade. You want to make sure to use the right images in your content, focusing on quality over quantity. To ensure a quality image, make sure to have a good photographer and be able to edit using a tool such as Adobe Lightroom.

3. Videos

Sometimes even more useful than images are videos since they are more engaging to consumers (*cough* *cough* the success of Tik Tok). Some reasons behind the appeal of videos are their longer shelf life, their appeal to Millennials and Gen Z, and their ability to be repurposed on several platforms. Studies show that “50% of millennials and Gen Z generations said they ‘couldn't live’ without video in their daily lives.”

4. Graphics

When you need to send out important textual information, graphics are a great way to do it. Some popular tools to create graphics include Photoshop and Canva. You can make graphics visually-appealing by branding them to your company’s colors, fonts, and keeping them free of clutter.

Visual content is crucial to marketing your brand and there are endless creative ways to make it. What are some other ways you’ve seen or created content that’s visually-appealing?


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