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Using COVID-19 to Harness Your Creativity & Productivity

Updated: Mar 14, 2022

(Article written as a marketing intern for Disorganized Depictions)

Let’s face it. The world is a bit of a mess right now.

2020 has been a tough year for us all: we’re facing an ongoing global pandemic and over a million people have died around the world. Most everyone can relate to the stress and anxiety this pandemic has caused, especially working from home. With no consistent work schedule, many of us are struggling to come up with creative ideas and stay motivated.

However, there are two options for us: dwell on the negatives or turn this mess into something beautiful.

The latter is exactly what I’m going to teach you how to do: use the pandemic to source your creativity and productivity. Of course, there are countless ways to do this, but here is how our founder, Derrik Diza, transformed his once plain office space into something beautiful that motivates him and boosts his creativity every day.

Reorganize your space, boost your creativity.

Since COVID-19 hit, Derrik chose to take advantage of the opportunity presented to him and reorganize his space into a beautiful room, with a different mural on all four walls as well as his original clothing and other art pieces surrounding his desk.

Why did he do this? According to Derrik, “The reason for reorganizing my space was to help me stay inspired and stay creative. Being a business owner, creative, and more specifically, a muralist, it is really important for me to be productive and maintain a consistent flow of creativity and drive. I wanted to make art and my business ubiquitous in my everyday life - so I decided to paint a mural of my logo as the focal point of my room upon entrance. Surrounding myself with murals, my company motto, and streetwear and skateboards I designed, reminds me why I am doing what I’m doing.”

At Disorganized Depictions, we aspire to make a positive impact in the lives of others. By constantly creating and surrounding himself with his work, which helps fight humanitarian crises, Derrik never loses track of his end goal: to help others.

Take advantage of the opportunity given.

Derrik is not the only person capable of taking advantage of being stuck at home. While there aren’t many places to go nowadays and many of us are being forced to work online from home, we might as well enjoy the space we live in. And better yet, transform our spaces into motivational masterpieces to sparkfire creative ideas.

As Derrik said, “COVID presented everyone the opportunity to reprioritize and take a more holistic look at their lives. This was my way of reminding myself what is really important to me. This is just one way of how I really maintained my focus on productivity during COVID.”

Anyone & everyone can do it.

You may now be wondering, so how can I increase my productivity? We may not all be artists or muralists, but there are countless creative ideas for anyone to increase your productivity while working online during this pandemic. Studies prove that being creative helps you better deal with uncertainty, reduces stress and anxiety, gives you a sense of purpose, boosts productivity, and numerous other benefits.

How to increase productivity at home.

Aside from reorganizing your workspace, here are some easy ways we all can incorporate into our day-to-day lives:

  • Dress up for work every day (yes, even from home)

  • Keep your day organized with a planner

  • Take regular breaks and practice self-care every day

  • Reward yourself for finishing daily tasks (since we all need some extra self-love nowadays)

  • Declare a workspace separate from relaxation areas

For more tips on staying motivated while working from home, check out this article written by Michael Page:

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