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Is Remote Work Here To Stay?

Updated: Mar 14, 2022

Since COVID-19 struck in March of 2020, we’ve all become accustomed to living in an online world and WFH (working from home). Many companies are allowing remote work to continue, despite states reopening. Some love this idea while others can’t wait to get back into the office. Will it become our new way of life? Let’s talk about the pros and cons.

First, let’s discuss some of the advantages of WFH. For companies, they can increase their talent pool substantially, recruiting potential employees from anywhere. They can also save on commercial real estate expenses due to less workers in the office. For employees, they can experience increased health and fitness in a variety of ways. Without having to commute to work, time and stress are reduced. Due to this, they have more time for other priorities such as friends, family, side hustles, and creative projects (all known to improve overall well-being).

Of course, we have to look at the other side of the coin as well. One disadvantage is ever-lasting tech issues that everyone has had to deal with at some point. Another is the need for self-discipline. While self-discipline is a skill that can be improved with time, a healthy work-life balance is difficult to manage without it. Lastly, nothing can replace the quality time of in-person gatherings. Since working remotely oftentimes means the inability to spend time outside of work with clients and/or co-workers, there is a lack of social interaction and networking opportunities.

It’s clear that WFH comes with its advantages and disadvantages for employees and companies alike. “While in-person office work will probably always be a staple, it's worth noting that by 2025, most workers will work at least five days a month from home and that 84 percent of current remote workers prefer working from home” (Leyes).

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Should companies allow employees to WFH if preferred?


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