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  • laurenwilliams277

3 Reasons Why I Want To Pursue Sales

As a marketing student and someone who has grown up in a family of salespeople, I've experienced first-hand the stigma around a sales career. It often gets a bad reputation for being risky, overly competitive, "scary" (according to my college peers), and more. While it may not be for everybody, many companies have gotten rid of this toxic, overly competitive culture you may see in movies such as Glengarry Glen Ross. I seek to find a company culture that values its employees in a way that helps them grow, by valuing learning from mistakes rather than enforcing punishment.

While I do consider myself a competitive individual, I believe a career in sales will bring me a much more fulfilling purpose – helping others. Below are 3 reasons why I want to pursue a career in sales.

1. Get Out of My Comfort Zone

The first reason I'd like to pursue a career in sales is to get out of my comfort zone. My background for the past 2 years is in digital marketing – I've worked mostly in social media and have learned a lot, but don't believe it's where I'm meant to be. At the start of my career, I want to challenge myself and try something new. I'd like to try sales first because I've learned in my life, especially through my leadership involvements that I'm a people-person to my core. I believe I would excel in a client-facing career instead of working behind the scenes.

Oftentimes the best learning experiences come out of being uncomfortable. I continuously challenge myself to seek discomfort. I've lived in Southern California my whole life, but aspire to live in a new city after graduation. I believe these experiences will help me grow tremendously and lead to a bright future.

2. Develop Confidence

Starting a new career can be terrifying, and what better way to do it than to throw yourself into something you've never done before? (*cue laughter*) In all seriousness, I think building sales skills can be one of the best skills a person can develop. Learning to sell something successfully is a great way to build confidence.

I'm always seeking growth personally and professionally. Gaining professional experience will allow me to become more confident and move up in my career. Building confidence will not only help me in my professional career, but also in my personal life which is equally as important. I hope through a career in sales, where I'm constantly challenging myself to close deals, I will gain irreplaceable skills that will benefit me in all areas of life.

3. Make a Difference

I've always loved solving people's problems. Ever since I was a kid, I would volunteer to be my mom's "assistant" for the day to help her in her office. Today, I have helped over 600 students on my campus develop their professional skills. It has arguably been my biggest accomplishment to date. In my career, I want to make other people's lives easier. I believe in sales, I can accomplish this by working with clients to provide them solutions to help grow their business. This is where I see myself finding passion in doing something I love.

What are some other great reasons to work in sales? I'd love to hear your perspective!

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